
Social media basics for pet sitters

All pet sitters should be using social media: True or false?

Surprisingly, the answer is not as clear cut as you may assume. While there's no question that social media can play a significant role in the overall marketing and content-sharing strategy for your pet-sitting business, don't jump right into the world of social media just because you've been told it's the "thing to do."

Questions to ask before creating your company's first social-media profile include:

  1. Which site(s) do I see my current clients, prospective clients and potential partners using?
  2. Which sites do I see my competitors on?
  3. What are my specific goals for being on social media?
  4. How much time am I able to commit to creating and maintaining social-media pages for my pet-sitting business?
PSI's SlideShare presentation below outlines the basic information you should consider before creating social-media pages for your professional pet-sitting business. 

Looking for more social-media tips for pet sitters?

These resources may help: 

These additional pet-sitter marketing resources also include social-media tips:

To learn more about how other professional pet sitters are using social media, we encourage you to check out PSI's private Facebook group, Professional Pet Sitters Chat, and view the comments section of the group's pinned post to visit the social-media pages of fellow PSI members. 

Not a PSI member? We encourage you to learn more about PSI's member benefits. Join PSI online or contact us with any questions you may have. 


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