Jennifer Betts
Jennifer Betts started her pet-care business, Run and Play, in 2014 after working 10+ years as a medical social worker. She feels her social work background gave her unique skills to help choose and manage walkers as well as work through any client concerns and conflicts. Jennifer manages a long standing staff of 5 pet providers.
She has completed Grief Counseling certification through American Institute of Health Care Professionals and is currently finishing their Pet Loss Support certification. She also coordinates with various local rescues. Jennifer has been a PSI member since 2014 and earned her Certified Professional Pet Sitter-CPPS designation in 2015.
Session Description:
From the Mundane to the Extreme: Dealing with drama, trauma and more as a pet-care business owner
Panelists: Jennifer Betts, Terri Howell, Beth Stultz-Hairston, Morgan Andenas Weber
There’s never a boring day as a pet-care professional. And as rewarding as the profession is, some situations you encounter will be stressful, overwhelming, or downright scary. In this session the panelists will explore some of the downsides of pet sitting—from burnout and dealing with pet loss to unusual situations such as arriving to a client’s home to find a crime scene. This session’s focus will be on providing best practices and recommendations for dealing with the trauma pet-care business owners and their team may experience.