
Pet Sitter Insurance

Pet sitter insurance is a must, but who offers the best pet-sitter insurance?

This is one of the top questions we receive here at PSI. As the pet-sitting industry continues to grow, more pet-sitting insurance companies are entering the arena to offer coverage, and we understand comparing policies can be confusing and overwhelming. 

While other pet-sitter insurance options have become available in recent years, PSI partners with the companies below because they offer the most comprehensive and reliable coverage at premiums that won't break the bank for professional pet sitters. You can read PSI's latest insurance guide here.

Please note: Insurance coverage is not included with your PSI membership—but members of PSI have access to special group-rate insurance in the U.S. and Canada.

For U.S. Members:

Business Insurers of the Carolinas

Business Insurers of the Carolinas has been providing General Liability Insurance specifically designed for pet sitters since 1995. BIC’s coverage includes the broadest Care, Custody or Control coverage for the pets and property in your care whether at your client’s home, in transit or at your home. BIC also provides bonding designed specifically for professional pet sitters, as well as workers' compensation and commercial auto coverage.

PSI members can take advantage of a special group rate.

Please note: BIC is located in NC, but can write policies in all 50 U.S. states.

For a free insurance quote, contact Business Insurers of the Carolinas at 1 (800) 962-4611 or at

Be sure to mention if you are a PSI member or considering PSI membership so they can share what the group rate would be!

For Canadian Members:

Jones DesLauriers (formerly Binks Insurance)

Jones Deslauriers logo

Jones DesLauriers is proud to be the exclusive insurance broker of bonding and liability coverage for PSI's Canadian members. It administers a comprehensive insurance program tailored to the specialized needs of Canadian pet sitters.

PSI members can take advantage of a special group rate.

Contact their Ottawa office at 613-226-1350 or visit

Remember, insurance is a must for professional pet sitters!

You can also download this free resource from PSI to find out what you need to know about selecting the right pet-sitter insurance for your business.

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