Pet Nanny Pet Sitting Service Inc.
South Florida's premiere pet sitting co. 20+ years experience, bonded, insured.
South Florida's premiere pet sitting co. 20+ years experience, bonded, insured.
Mary LaFreniere, Founder of Pet Nanny Pet Sitting Services Inc. is often referred to as "The Pet Whisperer” by many of her clients. Certain pets that have had behavioral, medical issues or have been challenging for other pet sitters have been referred to Mary for individual and specialized care. Originally from Maryland. Mary moved to South Florida in 1994. After more than a decade in surgical dentistry, her love for animals and adopting a Boxer puppy she named Binkie drew her to embrace a career change. Pet Nanny Pet Sitting Service Inc. was established in 1996. Mary's knowledge allows her to uniquely tailor each plan of care to meet specific needs and desires of her clients and their pets. This includes care for medically compromised pets from very young through geriatrics, administering medication, fluids, diabetic care and pets recovering from injury, surgery and those that are disabled. Her extensive knowledge of dietary needs has aided many of her clients's pets to overcome skin and /or digestive health problems by recommending simple breed dietary changes. Mary's pet family includes her cat, Cameron, whom she rescued at 5 weeks old. He instantly bonded with her Boxer Binkie. Mary's beloved Boxers Binkie and Zach have since crossed The Rainbow Bridge and Cameron has become her miracle.
(561) 252-0011
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