
Walk with Wanda

Taking care of your family member responsibly.

We offer services for:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Fish
  • Birds
  • Special Needs Pets

About My Business

Walk with Wanda started as a necessity of my own, at a time when I had to travel and I didn't want to leave Wanda in a traditional place with people she didn't know or with other dogs that weren't balanced or friendly like her.A few months before we had met some people in a public park, they were walking with other dogs and when we got closer and investigated a little more about where they came from we realized that they were sisters. What are the odds?

Eventually, we left our dogs with them and sometimes they did the same too, the experience was so good that I though that one day I would do the same for other people and would make them feel they ae leaving their pets with a close friend.

Wanda is 4 years old now and we adopted Luke, a 8 years old beagle with a special personality.

I've being doing this for more than 3 years now and that is why you can trust me. your pets can not be in better hands even if they have special needs.

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Contact Me

(571) 407-0967

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