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Find a Pet Sitter


Use the search below to find  PSI member professional pet-sitting and/or dog-walking businesses that offer services in your area.

U.S.: enter your 5-digit ZIP code. Canada: enter the first 3 characters of your postal code.

Disclaimer Info

PSI Privacy Statement

Due to privacy concerns, PSI does not provide information on members other than what is listed for public display on our Locator. PSI does not provide mailing lists of its members for any purpose. Solicitation of members through the PSI Locator for the sale of goods and services is prohibited.

Please note that listing on PSI's Locator is optional for PSI members. Many choose not to be listed if they are currently not accepting new clients and/or are focused on other advertising methods. As such, just because you do not find a business listed on the Locator, it does not mean the business is not a member. To confirm membership of a business, please contact us.

Disclaimer | Pet Sitter Locator on

PSI is an educational organization and does not inspect or police member businesses. Our Locator information is provided solely as a courtesy to help pet owners identify pet sitters in their area, and PSI assumes no liability in connection with any information listed. 

PSI does not endorse any individuals or companies listed on the Locator. PSI makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the accuracy or completeness of the information or the products or services provided by the individuals or companies listed here. This Locator is a compilation of the names and contact information of PSI members, available for search by ZIP/postal code, for informational purposes only. PSI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the products or services provided by these members.

PSI also encourages pet owners to check references on any pet sitter prior to hiring, and the Find a Local PSI Pet Sitter section of our website has tools, such as the Pet Sitter Interview, that can be helpful in interviewing and hiring a pet sitter.

By using PSI’s Locator, you agree that you have read and understood the Disclaimer above.